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Semi-automatic swing arm tire changer that can be placed also in workshops with limited space.
The position and special design of the rotation pedal allows to work from the side, the best position for swing arm tire changers.
Hexagonal vertical arm to grant rigidity. Easily locked by lever, with spring loaded return.
Turntable with clamping capacity up to 25”. Equipped with opposing jaws and two Ø 75 mm cylinders to grant optimal clamping of all rims. Jaws with grip design to allow perfect internal clamping. Minimum external clamping 10” to work on small wheels.
Bead breaker with double acting bead breaker, fast and powerful, for wheels up to 12.8” width.
Removable pedal unit for easy maintenance.
Transmission from the gearbox with toothed belt to prevent sliding and grant stable rotation.


20 November 2023
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