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IC-BOX is the equipment that allows the safe inflation of all truck and bus tires.
Special structure consisting of iron bars and a beehive-shaped network. Extremely safe, because the pressure generated by any eventual tyre explosion is contained by the cage and the leakage of fragments is extremely limited, thus reducing any damage to the operator.
Safety valve that allows the operator to inflate the tire only when the door is closed.

Automatic digital electronic inflator provided with large backlit LCD display to show the various phases of the inflation.
System controlled by a fully-programmable microprocessor which allows setting the pressure at which the compressor must inflate the tire.
OPS (Over Pressure Setting) function, which allows the operator to select among three different overpressure settings.
Full diagnostics and signalisation of any errors.
Once the set pressure is reached, the unit emits an acoustic signal indicating that the cycle is completed.
26 July 2016
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